Other Unit IDEA’S

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Have a large jar of seeds on display during the unit. Ask the students to “guess” the number seeds in the jar. Have them put their guesses on a slip of paper and on the last day either count them out as a class or have it as another center for the students to count and take the number that most frequently appears.

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Make a paper bag book of the life cycle of a seed. Have each page show a different seed part. Students color each page and label the parts. Make the cover by putting coffee grounds for dirt and gluing a seed in the “soil”. Pages can be stapled together or tired with yarn/string


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Seed of Life by Helen H. Moore

A Seed is planted

First a sprout

Then a stem,                                                 

And leaf,

And buds,

Come out.


Buds grow bigger, smelling sweet,

Bees and birds come

Round to eat.

Bees and birds help flowers spread

Their new seeds on

The garden bed,


A seed is planted….





Bulletin Board Idea


When ever students have “Down Time” and don’t know what to do have them trace their hands on various shades of green paper to be added to the Planting Seeds of Friendship bulletin Board. Have a stapler ready and let them put the leaves up themselves. Leaves may be with or without student names.

















Story Starters

Have a portable center set up with story starters shaped on paper cut out like lima beans. Students may either write or draw a picture about what is on their bean. Starters may include:


My little brother puts bean in his ears!

The magic seeds suddenly jumped out of my hand.

Each day my tomato grew larger and larger….

I won first prize at the local flower show.

While planting petunias, I discovered an odd bug in my garden!

My Venus-fly trap hadn’t eaten for a week.

While digging in my backyard I found.

I planted turnips but instead…

A huge crow ate my entire garden.










Have Seeds Will Travel




Dispersal Record Sheet


Name: ____________________________________


Select 3 seeds. Place the fan on high, medium, and low. Then record how far the seed traveled in inches.



Seed Name                               High      Med        Low



























Pattern for Seed Package



Cut out and copy either on blank white paper or make an original out of cardboard or tag board for the students to trace and cut out.


Have the students design the package cover to go along with the seeds you will be putting into the package.

Examples: Zinnia’s

Pattern for Seed Pod book

This is a giant lima bean seed. Cut out two as covers and use a brad to fasten the leaves and roots inside. Have student color. Use this to show that seeds should have a little plant inside consisting of, a root and leaves, if not the seed will not grow.



Have the students color each stage of seed growth. Then they may either number them in sequential order or cut or paste them onto another sheet of paper.



The Tiny Seed /Story Board

By: Megan Schilling

Have students create a storyboard, with the life cycle of a seed. Use Black tag board approximately 4X6”. Cut slits on the inside to slide the story through. The storyboard is one 3”X24”. Divide it into sections for the students to draw one part of the life cycle in each section.  When complete pull the story through for a silent movie.